October 9, 2012


I am supposed to be writing an essay, but I thought it was only right to write a bit about my home.

I write this piece with great sadness at (not what my country is turning into but) what the educated youth of my country have decide to adopt as a path for justice. I didn't  wasn't able to watch the video but I saw the pictures and I was saddened. This story is another that causes my heart to weep and my eyes to release a downpour of myrrh. If you haven't heard of this story go to

What made this story worse for e, was the amount of people who recommended that the perpetrators of this heinous occurrence be killed. What makes this commentators any better than the animals that killed those boys? I say animals, because it is animalistic behaviour to attack without a hearing, to beat someone till their face is covered with blood, they are almost dead and then put a tire  on them and burn them.

For the first time, since I became an adult, I am sickened and ashamed to call myself Nigerian. That the youth whom we think will make this country a better place, with so much exposure: csi, law and order so many action movies, would deem it fit to take matters into their own hands. What happened to justice.

You cannot say that you were afraid that these boys would go scot free, if indeed they committed whatever crime they were accused of, because we all know that crime is severely punished in Nigeria. I am amazed that this happened in a university community. It scares me that so many people could stand around and watch this happen with excitement. What does it say about our country.

I am said for Nigeria, that we have taken our love for bad news to a higher level. nOW WE DONT JUST WANT TO SEE PEOPLE SUFFER OR NOT PROSPER WE WANT TO BE part of their lives being cut short. We want to watch, we want to see the blood, we want to bathe in it, dance in it, revel in it.

Is this what my country has become? We are so outraged at people being killed that we think that another show will satisfy us. Such BLOOD THIRST.
I want to have a chance to hear and understand what was going on in the minds of these animals. I need to understand, why we as Nigerians think it is okay to take the laws into our hands and then complain that our leaders are doing now.

If we are doing it all on our own what more can they do but fold their hands?

I usually like to put a positive spin on things, but I am unable to find one now. Not with this story, not until witnesses start speaking up, not until these animals are charged and sentenced for their crime. They murdered people with no aggravation . They took laws into their own hands and the only punishment I want them to suffer is through the hands of the law. Anything else would put me in the jungle with them. Lets stop waiting for karma.